Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Sign of Things to Come

I haven't posted in a day or two and the only reason I even have time to post right now is because a training I was scheduled to go to ended early. I started my new job yesterday, and I'm afraid that from here on out, my posts are going to be few and far between. I am officially the sole behavior specialist for 60 schools. Scary, huh? Everything about my job is pretty much up in the air because it's a new position, but it is an exciting program that I think can really help a lot of kids who would otherwise fall through the cracks. So far, I have really liked everyone I've met who is involved with the program, and I think we are all going to do some very valuable work on the cutting edge of what works for at-risk kids. I'll post more about the job as I get into it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good luck! you'll do great!