Friday, August 15, 2008

Lyon Visit

Our friends Jen and Steve and their family are here this week from Kansas. Jen is doing the Pike's Peak Ascent on Saturday because she is a crazy person. It's a half marathon that runs up the Barr trail straight to the top of Pike's Peak. Anyway, we met them and our friend Jason and his family (we missed you, Kate) for dinner earlier this week. It was a zoo and so much fun because there were 7 kids between us! Here are the pics:

Marlowe and Noah:
Jackson and Ella:
Dan and Isaiah:
Jackson, Ella, Noah, and Ethan:
Jackson, Noah, and Ethan:

All the kids:
Marlowe and Ethan:
Ella, CJ, Marlowe, and Noah:
Ethan and CJ:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

she is crazy. i like the part how it says it can take a person 30 minutes or more to cover a mile b/c the air supply is so low. crazy.