Sunday, August 17, 2008

10K Trail Run

I ran a 10K for speed on trails this morning to see how I'm coming along with the training for the Golden Leaf Half Marathon. It has been raining like mad here and I found out that running in mud just plain sucks. The course I ran has a mile and a half or so of straight up at the beginning so hopefully that will help me make it through the first part of the Golden Leaf that runs straight up Snowmass Ski Area. Here are my splits:

Mile 1: 10:20
Mile 2: 9:11
Mile 3: 10:25
Mile 4: 10:17
Mile 5: 11:02
Mile 6: 9:30
Last .2: 1:53

Total Time: 1:02:39

Not my best time ever for a 10K, but I am pretty happy with it considering the terrain. Any guesses as to which mile was a muddy uphill that turned my feet into mud caked bricks? If you guessed Mile 5, you win the prize!* I also just about hit the puke threshold in that mile. Yum!

*There's not really a prize.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i would love to be able to say that 11:02 was my slowest, forget that, fastest mile time.
good job.