Friday, July 25, 2008

They told Brett Favre what?

I gotta be up front...I don't like change. And I'm sure it won't surprise anyone who knows me that I cried when Brett Favre retired. So I was beyond elated when I started hearing rumors that Favre might return. I sort of felt sorry for the Packers and Aaron Rodgers because it put them in an awkward position, but I figured they would work it out. And maybe they still will.

But earlier today, after hearing the reports on ESPN that Favre told Packers GM Ted Thompson that he planned to report to training camp, I began hearing the reports that the Packers told Favre that if he does, he will be the #2 quarterback.

Brett. Favre. backing. up. Aaron. f_ing.Rodgers.

Are they serious? I know it's all just negotiating tactics, but my respect for the Packers organization just went down faster than the Titanic. That's just such a ridiculous concept.

I would just love to see the guy play some more. As far as I am concerned, he is the most exciting player in the NFL. Whoever he ends up playing for, I will be cheering him on. I sincerely hope it's the Pack, but that looks unlikely at this point.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry but i'm his #1 fan.