Saturday, July 19, 2008

8 Mile Trail Run

I thought I'd post an update on my running for those of you that get sick of looking at my adorable child (not possible, right?) . Today I ran 8 miles on the bike trails near our house and it went pretty well. It is becoming painfully obvious to me how much the trails slow me down and I don't know if it's the brutal hills up there, the trail surface, or just an excuse to not run so fast since I'm so lazy and all. The rest of my runs this week will be pretty easy though since I'm running that 10K next Saturday. Here's the schedule for anyone who is interested (I used Hal Higdon's Intermediate 10K plan):
Sun: 3 miles trail
Mon: 3 miles trail
Tue: 5x400m
Wed: 3 miles trail

Thursday and Friday are rest days in the hope that I will run super fast for me and come in under 60 min. at the 10K on Sat.

I can't complain too much about the trail running though. Other than the fact that my feet hurt more than they normally do after road runs, it's been some pretty great training. And check out the view from the trail:

Can't complain too much about that! (See what I did there? I snuck in pics of my adorable kid.)

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