Friday, July 11, 2008

OMG, I am really a runner

Albeit a pretty slow one. I realized I am actually addicted to running from this post:

According to this blog post, here's why:

1. I feel guilty when I skip a run. Actually, I can't remember the last time I skipped one.

2. One of my toenails HAS turned black and fallen off. (and I was sort of happy and proud of that)

3. I am weird to obsessive about my running watch.

4. I buy way too much gel and gatorade.

5. I read running blogs and comment on running blogs, and sort of have my own.

6. I blow off friends and alcohol before big races.

7. I seriously don't think I can stop.

Hey Crystal, look! I'm a runner too!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's a good thing. (except the toenail falling off...that's actually a little gross).