Thursday, July 17, 2008

Swimming Lessons

Noah's last day of swimming lessons was today. This is a picture of him holding his certificate at the end of class. I wanted some pics of him actually swimming , but they were pretty impossible to get. Next time I will get a waterproof camera.

I was really impressed with the lessons. Last summer, it was all games and songs. This time, they actually taught them stuff like grabbing the wall after you jump in and learning to float with a noodle. They also worked on front and back stroke with the kids. Noah mostly enjoyed it, but he does NOT like to float on his back. Better luck next summer with that one, right?


Anonymous said...

i know, there's not much you can do with the little kids except play games to get them used to the water. i'm glad he had fun this time around. don't worry about floating on his back - most kids don't like it. it helps if you put their head so it rests on your shoulder when they're doing. and asking them if they see something in the sky (bird, weird cloud, etc) to get their minds off it. good job noah!!!!

Anonymous said...

when they're doing it.
(i had to fix that. it bugs me.)