Sunday, June 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Ryan!

Today, Noah was invited to Ryan's birthday party. Ryan is my friend Lorrie's son. Noah and Ryan always have so much fun together and today was no exception. Noah had a blast and cried when we said it was time to go. Dan and I had fun too since we met some new people. One family also lives in Castle Rock, so that is nice. Here is a picture of Ryan and Noah from Noah's birthday party:
I didn't know how Noah would react to someone else opening presents, but he was really good about it. Happy Birthday, Ryan!


Anonymous said...

Kenny is not so good at letting others open his presents. Luke's birthday turned into Kenny opening everything as he was "helping" Luke. I'm glad you've taught Noah how to share better than we have with Kenny

Backpacktwang said...

That's funny! Noah was great with the opening presents thing but I left out the part where Noah made Ryan cry because he wouldn't give him back his Mystery Machine.