Thursday, June 18, 2009

What I Learned on my Long Run

I did 15 miles today. It was slow and painful, but I learned a few things:

1. Don't start a long run "only slightly dehydrated."
2. Don't wait until 9:45 to start a long run on a hot summer day.
3. My water bottle is NOT big enough for a 15-miler.
4. Those gels just make you want more water.
5. Don't "miss a spot" when you put on sunscreen.

On a more positive note, I also learned that these cute little lizards live by the new paved trail down by Plum Creek. And tons of butterflies! And tons of wildflowers! I also saw a mom and baby red hawk and one other lone red hawk. It's pretty down there, but I don't like having to run up at the end. I guess I'd better get used to it.


kcjayhawk said...

do you have/like those camelback water packs? eric has one and wears it all the time when he runs.
also, what sunscreen works well on your face w/o stinging your eyes when you sweat?

Backpacktwang said...

Yes, Dan and I have a couple of camelbacks. I used to use them for mtn biking all the time, but they bounce too much when I run. I did use one when I ran on Pikes the other day. Other than that, I have a belt that holds one water bottle. I think I need to get one that holds 2.

I got nothin for ya on the sunscreen. I think they all sting. But that Neutrogena helioplex spf 60 stuff doesn't seem to run as bad. It's white when I put it on though so I look kind of stupid.