Monday, June 29, 2009

I Suck at Grocery Shopping

Since I got out of school for the summer, I have been trying to grocery shop "right." To me, that means always remembering to bring my own cloth bags, using coupons, and using the grocery store sales flyers to make the most of our money. I have gotten really good about making a menu and a grocery list using the sales flyers and my coupon organizer (yes, I have a coupon organizer. Shut up.). But it seems like every time I go (I take Noah with me), I either forget the coupons or I forget the cloth bags. So I finally put the bags in the trunk of my car. I was all happy today because I remembered the coupons, but when I got to the register, I realized the bags were still in the trunk. It was too busy for my to say, "Just a sec" and run out and get them. Oh well, wish me luck next week!


kcjayhawk said...

i forget my bags in the car about 50% of the time. i always remember when i'm in the process of checking out. of course.

Anonymous said...

Jenny, You are a fit. Keep blogging 'cause I need a smile once in awhile. Love U, Dad