Thursday, July 30, 2009

Mom Things Part 2: The Resolution of the Fit

When I was last on here, I wrote about Noah's bedtime story fit. I am back to tell you how we handled it. So, there we are, locked in our bedroom with Noah banging on our door yelling "I want another story!" After about 5 minutes of that, I went out, picked him up, carried him back to bed and told him that he had already had his story. I told him good night and left his room. The screaming and crying continued and he came out 2 more times and I just repeated the same thing. On the third time, I also told him that if he came out again, he would have to sit in the stairs (his time out place). That did it. He didn't come out again and he quit crying and fell asleep within about 5 minutes. It felt like forever though. Any other suggestions?

1 comment:

kcjayhawk said...

just stick to your guns. that's about all you can do.