Thursday, March 5, 2009


Noah was up crying for a lot of the night last night. I mean, it was like he was hysterical and we couldn't get him to tell us what was wrong. We finally got him to take some Tylenol at about 3:00. He had been refusing to let us give it to him which is weird because he loves the stuff. After we got the medicine in him, he sadi something about his ear and put his hand over his right ear, so I'm wondering if he has an ear infection. He is usually a trooper when he is sick, so I am really worried about the fact that he was that upset. Anyway, I am staying home with him today and taking him to the doctor as soon as they open.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

poor baby. don't you hate how it always seems like they get need a doctor sick when it's after hours. that's the story of our lives.