Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Snow Day!

We had a snow day today. No school! Woohoo!! Dan and Noah and I had to go shopping this morning before everything shut down and get Noah a new coat, snow pants, boots, hat, and gloves because everything from last year is too small. Then, while Dan and Noah napped, I went on an epic snowshoeing hike by myself up in the hills where the bike trails are. Totally beautiful! After that, it was snow angels in the backyard with Dan and Noah and Japhy and now Dan is making chili for dinner. After dinner, the Monsters Vs Aliens Halloween special is on, so we will sit by the fire and watch that with hot cocoa. Can't think of a better day!

1 comment:

kcjayhawk said...

it's too early for snow - but i do love snow days.