Friday, September 18, 2009


I have been completely and inexcusably remiss in my blogging duties over the last 2 weeks. I apologize to the two or three of you who check it regularly. So here is a little update on everything going on here:

Still my amazingly talented-in-every-way-athletic-little genius! ;) He has gotten into playing the "guitar," which he made at school out of a shoebox, a pencil, and a few rubber bands. It is hilarious and I really need to get a video posted of him playing and singing. His school year is in full swing and they have started phonics, a little bit of writing, and Spanish! My kid already officially knows more Spanish than I do. Sad, I know, but I am just so proud I don't even care.

He is finally riding his bike again, which is cool. He took a little break after his big race in August but he is glad to be back in the saddle again, so to speak. He is happy and cool as usual. When I married him, I had no idea how much strength that guy has and I am amazed every day at his positivity and his openness to whatever the universe throws at him. He rocks!

Annoying dog as ever...but we love him!

Well, let's just say that work is a big reason I haven't been blogging. I have never had a position that left me as drained at the end of the day as I am now. But it also has parts I absolutely love and I am not leaving, at least not today, hehe. We are in a situation right now that requires a LOT of paperwork and I don't like the amount of time it is taking away from kids, but it is temporary. And I treasure the time I CAN get with kids that much more! I am pretty sure that sometime before I retire (you know, when I am 101 years old), I will go back to teaching in a classroom. I don't care what anyone says, that is the most important job in education and it is the only place where you can develop that unique close relationship with kids.

Running is going pretty well, even the speed work. For my training plan right now, I have target paces for every run that will help me hit 1:59:59 in the half marathon. I have hit target pace for every run except for one (I would blame that on my watch because I messed it up in the middle of a 4 mile tempo run, but I know that is a cop-out.). My foot has been hurting and my legs are pretty sore, but other than that, it feels great to work on speed again. The only bummer is that I am not doing much trail running right now since I am working on speed (and because it is dark in the morning when I run now). I miss it, but I will get right back to it after the Denver Half. I have also added one day of biking/week for cross training and I am really liking the change from running.

That about wraps it up. It was my birthday last weekend so I am 37 now. I can't believe it. I don't feel 37. I feel about 24 most days (ask Dan... I still laugh at fart jokes). I even laughed today when my boss said "arrears." Hahahaha! She said "rear." Seriously. Good thing she is cool.

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