Saturday, September 26, 2009


I. Am. So. Frustrated.

I had a rough couple of runs this week. Especially Thursday's tempo run. I was supposed to run 4-5 miles at race pace to race pace minus 30. I made 2.

It is just feeling like I am running harder and I should be getting faster but I am getting slower instead. My foot hurts, my knee hurts, and my whole body is just achy and tired all the freakin' time.

So I did a little reading on the internet and consulted my running coach friend at work. The reading and the coach confirmed what I already knew.

I am overtraining and I need to take more recovery time. It's not like I'm 18 anymore, ya know?

Problem is, running is how I manage stress. It makes me feel good and it makes me a pleasant person to be around. I have found no other workouts that work quite as well. So, what do I do?

Option #1: Take a few days off and see how I feel. Let go of my 2 hour goal because I am apparently pushing myself too hard to get there.

Option #2: Go ahead and go hard for one more week and then start my taper for the race a little early and really take it easy. Again, I am probably going to have to let go of the 2 hour goal because continuing to push it clearly isn't working.

I guess it doesn't matter much which one I pick because either way the odds of a sub-2 hour half are pretty slim at this point.

So, what am I learning from this?

1. Take a week off after a long race. I didn't let my body recover enough after Pike's before I got into this 1/2 training, which I pretty much already knew.

2. Take even longer off before resuming speed work after a race. At least one day per mile. That means I should have waited at least 13 days before speed training after Pike's, probably more because of the nature of that race and I didn't even come close to that.

3. Take a rest day at the first signs of overtraining. I have been struggling with aches and pains and fatigue that I have been denying for at least 3 weeks, maybe a month. If I had taken a little more time then I might not be in this situation so close to race day.


Anonymous said...

Hey, the first thing you have to do when running is ENJOY IT. If you aren't doing that reconsider your goals. It's got to be fun-otherwise it is work and you have enough of that already.Joe

Backpacktwang said...

Good point. I think I am going to take that advice and quit working so much on speed and refocus on the fun!