Sunday, May 31, 2009

School's Out For the Summer, Yeah!

I am now officially on summer break. That means I only work 6 days between now and August 10, which is our first day of the new school year. On Friday, I got my first ever massage to celebrate my first day off. Thanks, Dan, for that gift certificate you got me for mother's day!

It is a good thing that school ended when it did because the politics were getting unbearable for everyone. My boss is not returning next year and no one knows who the new boss is going to be. The old one was "forced out" and people are freaking out. I am just trying to stay out of it.

The running isn't going very well right now. I am down to running 3 days/week for 2 weeks now because I am trying to let my shin splints heal. It sucks and I am going nuts. I am really afraid I am going to have to take time off running completely to get them to heal. Right now, I only have 3 runs scheduled for this coming week too. A 4 miler at 12% grade on the treadmill, a 7 miler with Debbie on Tuesday, and a 12-13 miler on Thursday. Then I am planning on taking 3-4 days completely off to see if that helps.

What is going great right now is all this extra time I have with Noah. In fact, I need to get off the internet because he just got up from his nap and I am taking him to the pool. I have pictures to post from Randi and Sophie's visit last week, but I'll have to do it later.


kcjayhawk said...

i bet noah is excited for summer too.
12-13 miles w/ shin splints? you're crazy. that just sounds painful.

Backpacktwang said...

The shin splints are much better today! Didn't even hurt on the 4 mi I did this morning. If I had bad shin splints there is no way I could do that kind of mileage. They are very minor at this point.

Crystal said...

I want to be out of school! We go until June 8th and it's kicking my butt!!