Saturday, September 6, 2008

Just the Facts, Ma'am

Have you been to It's a neutral site that checks out the truthfulness of what the candidates say. Here are the links to the facts:

Obama's Speech

McCain's Speech

Palin, Guiliani, and Huckabee

Ok, they all stretch the truth and spin things. We know that. I am just repeatedly shocked by republican speeches and ads that are way beyond that. They are outright lies and this website exposes them. Don't get me wrong, I know that isn't one sided. But in my job, I am trained to look for frequency and duration of behaviors. McCain and Palin are seriously bordering on pathological.

What really gets me is the republican party's accusation that democrats want to spend too much government money. Who has taken our country from having a balanced budget at the end of the Clinton years to having a deficit of trillions of dollars in 8 years? Who has spent too much government money on a war we shouldn't have been fighting in the first place? It wasn't the dems, I can tell you that.


Anonymous said...

what does it say about gore saying he created the internet?

Backpacktwang said...

It says he did, of course. ;) Seriously though, Gore never said that. Here is the snopes link about it:

Anonymous said...

I went to the website and several of the posts. I'm not entirely convinced this is a nonpartisan site. It seems like when Obama lies the articles read, "Obama mislead or he stretched the truth" When talking about a McCain mistake they use tougher language making it sound more intentional. Just an observation in how it appears to me, but their is no question that both campaigns spin things in their favor and will use half truths to make a point.