Friday, September 19, 2008

Debunking Republican Lies

I wish people on both sides of the political spectrum would do some research on the truth of what their candidate says. Instead, people just repeat their party's talking points. I have done the research, and here are some of the lies I have found on the side of the republicans. I've had people tell me, "Oh, well that just happens on both sides in a political contest." Yes, but the republicans are worse, at least in this campaign, and I can give you evidence of that.

Lie #1: Barack Obama wants to raise taxes on the middle class.

Truth: Only if your definition on the middle class includes those who make more than $227,000 per year (oh, wait...that probably is John McCain's definition...Mr. I wear $500 Ferragamo loafers). Anyway, click here for the evidence.

Lie #2: If Barack Obama is elected, our energy prices will be higher.

Truth: Obama has a multifaceted plan to help our country move into the future and help keep energy prices reasonable long term. In a move that didn't make me particularly happy, he even decided (just like McCain) that some new offshore drilling could be included. Click here to read the facts on his energy policy.

Lie #3: Our country will not be safe from terrorists under Barack Obama.

Truth: Nobody who knows anything about national defense really believes this...even the republicans. Click here for the evidence.

Lie #4: Barack Obama wants to teach your kindergartener about sex.

Truth: OK, let's really think about this. No one wants kindergarteners to know about sex. But let me invite you to come join the real world. As a teacher, I know that sex ed in kindergarten simply means teaching little kids that no one should touch their private parts inappropriately. Don't you want your kid to learn that? I know I do. And yes, I will teach him about it at home first. But kids always need reinforcement of what they learn.

Lie #5: You should be afraid of Barack Obama.

Truth: Only if you are a racist. I really don't have any evidence for that, it's just my opinion.

Lie #6: Barack Obama does not have enough experience to be president.

Truth: there have been plenty of great presidents with equivalent experience or even less including Roosevelt, Kennedy, and Lincoln. Click here for the evidence.

Lie #7: Democrats are for big government and taxing and spending; republicans are for small government, smart money management, and reducing the debt.

Truth: This one is just funny to me now. Look at what has happened to the deficit under Bush's administration (hint: it has doubled). Click here for the evidence.

There are so many more, but I'll have to do a part two at some point because this is just making me tired and sad. PLEASE check out what your candidate says. DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU HEAR!

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