Friday, February 12, 2010


Me = So lame about blogging lately.

I just haven't had any time. I am now into my second admin class. I really like this one so far. It is about student conduct. If you know me at all, you know I am fascinated with behavior so it's a good one for me to be in. Right now, I am geeking out on Colorado student conduct law for a paper I have due tomorrow. I need to focus and just get it done.

Noah and Dan and Japhy are still wonderful. Dan really helps out when I have to work on school stuff and Noah is really a constant joy! Today he showed me the sign language for "beautiful," and after I praised him for it, he said, "because you are beautiful, Mommy." I had tears in my eyes....

Work is calming down. We have been down 4 people for about 2 months now which means more work for everyone. But we only have one more position to fill at this point, so things are getting much better. I got to be on the interview committee for 2 of the positions, which was a good experience for me. I did that a few times at my previous job, but it is good experience for whatever my next move might be.

My foot is getting better too. I am finally at 3 miles, 3 times per week. That may not sound like much, but I could barely run a mile 2 months ago without my foot feeling like I wanted to cut it off, so I am happy with that. One of Noah's friend's moms (who is a serious runner... like she has done Pikes 4 times) suggested that I do the St. Patrick's 7K in Denver with her, and I am considering it. I am so excited to be able to run races again, but let's face it, I've lost some fitness. The good news is that I've been watching what I eat, and I am down 5 lbs. since New Years (I had gained a little), so that should lessen the pounding my foot is taking.

Planning to Spain trip had gotten to be too stressful for me, so I let it go for a while. We have our plane tickets, so one way or another, we will be there! :)

That's all for now! Yay, Olympics are on! Go US!!!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Don't worry, I've started helping with the trip planning. :o)