Saturday, February 27, 2010

Life in the Slow Lane

I suppose something about my life should force me to slow down; I just wish it wasn't running. As I have been trying to add mileage, my foot is giving me trouble again. A little over a week ago I was ready to give up and just not run anymore. But then something happened. I took a week off and the foot felt better. So, on Wednesday afternoon, I did a short slow run of 2 miles. Foot felt fine. So today I did a short show run of 2.5 miles. Foot is a little sore, but I would be willing to bet tomorrow it will feel fine. In between, I am riding my bike on Dan's new bike trainer, which rocks, by the way.

Anyway, as I was running today, I was thinking about what I've learned from this stupid plantar fasciitis thing. I have learned to slow it down. I'm not that fast anyway, so I might as well slow down if that is what will prevent injury. What difference does it make if I am running a 9 minute mile or an 11 minute mile? Nobody cares but me, and if they do, they don't have enough going on in their own lives.

So, I am slowing down, and I am enjoying the runs more again. Running only 2-3 times per week is also making me appreciate the runs more. Today was beautiful! Sunny and in the high 40s. Perfect running weather (ok, I would have liked warmer, but I'm not going to complain considering the winter we have had).

I am still planning on Pikes this year, but I am not going to push the speed. It isn't helping me and it's making my foot worse anyway. I am going to slow down and enjoy the run!

Happy trails!


suzanne said...

plantar fasciitis sucks but you're doing the right thing.

suzanne said...

carich blogs just had this website on her blog
i hadn't heard of it and didn't know if you had.

Amanda said...

1. I ran today too... except it was high 50s. :o) Its really warmed up here recently!!
2. No matter how slow you run, can you really enjoy the Pike's Peak race??

Backpacktwang said...

Suzanne- I have never heard of that website but it is so cool!

Amanda- I can't wait to get there! You can tell me all the cool places to run in Alcala. When we get to Barcelona, I want to run on the beach. And in Paris, I want to unt through the Jardin de Tuilleries- it is right by our apartment!

Backpacktwang said...

Oh, and yes, Pike's is the most fun thing I have ever done!

Anonymous said...

Hmm that's very interessting but actually i have a hard time figuring it... I'm wondering what others have to say....