Saturday, December 13, 2008


We have been trying to get Noah to say, "I need something," instead of whining or crying when he wants something. So, last night right after I put him to bed I hear him yell, "Mommy, I need something."

I was really excited that he didn't just cry or scream, so I ran right in.

Me: "What do you need, sweetie?"

Noah: "I just saw Rudolph's nose flash!"

Me: "Oooh, cool!"

Noah: "He's hungry."

Me: "OK, well I'll put a carrot out for him."

Noah: "OK, good night, Mommy."

Me: "Good night, Noah."

Noah: "You're going to give Rudolph a carrot?"

Me: "Yes."

Noah: "He's out front!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

rudolph's nose, huh?
i'm surprised that he didn't say to leave him a cookie...and in his room.