Friday, October 31, 2008

5K Test

I ran 5K this morning to see where my speed is in relation to my goals for the Thanksgiving Day 5K. I finished in 26:55. Here are my splits:

Mile 1: 8:16
Mile 2: 8:40
Mile 3: 9:05
Last .1: 0:52

I am shooting for an 8:30/mile pace. My average pace was 8:40, so I am getting there. The time I'm shooting for is 26:24.

Pumpkin Carving

Here are some pictures from our pumpkin carving adventure last night. Two things to take note of:
1. The swiss army knife sitting right in front of
2. The fact that my child has no pants on. A nod to potty training.
Please don't call social services!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fall Festival Pics

While I was in Phoenix last weekend, Dan took Noah to Pumpkin Chunkin' and a fall festival. If you are not familiar with Pumpkin Chunkin', it's where a bunch of people get together and build trebuchets and sling shots and catapults to fling pumpkins across a field (like 100 yards or more) and watch them smash on the ground. Cool, huh? Anyway, here are some pics from their adventures:

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Phoenix Trip

I recently returned from a trip to Phoenix to visit my good friend, Randi. I had not seen her in 6 years! Here are some pictures from the trip, including some of her beautiful 4-year-old daughter, Sophie. Hey Randi, let's not wait another 6 years to get together again. I had a blast!

This is a picture of the cactus ridden desert that tried to kill me. It's right behind Randi's house and it is beautiful:

This is a picture of Sophie and her good friend, Marissa:

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


campaigning with a smile (Barack Obama in Austin #3)
Originally uploaded by jmtimages

I went to my county's Obama HQ tonight and volunteered for the campaign. With only a week left and Obama looking like he is way ahead in a lot of the polls, it worries me that people might get overconfident. So, I showed up to do my part. I made calls to people registered as unaffiliated and some republicans who have independent tendencies. I was surprised that I found any supporting Obama in my largely republican county, but I did. That was refreshing! Obama-Biden '08!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Holy Jumping Cholla, Batman!

Another Cholla Sunrise
Originally uploaded by Nick Carlson

So, I have been in Phoenix visiting my friend Randi. She lives outside of Phoenix in a beautiful desert community, so I thought I'd take off across the open space (wild desert) behind her house for a run. I knew if I went straight across the field with the cacti in it, I could climb up the side of a mountain behind her house and get to a trail that I wanted to run on. It all went just fine until I came down from the trail and had a run-in with a cactus called a jumping cholla. This ball of spines got lodged in my shin and I couldn't pull it out because the spines were sticking to my fingers. So I grabbed 2 rocks and used them to yank out the big ball, but I still had those spines sticking into my skin. Luckily, they didn't really hurt, so I just ran back to Randi's house and pulled them out with tweezers. That was probably the craziest running experience I've had.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Baseline is Over: Time to Run for Real

I thought I'd post a run every once in a while to keep everyone updated on my progress. It is NOT easy, I am learning, to go faster. Anyway, today was a decent one (you really thought I'd post the crappy ones?), so here's the report:

3 miles
Mile 1: 8:50
Mile 2: 8:54
Mile 3: 8:48

Total: 26:32
Avg pace: 8:51
Max pace: 7:31

Tomorrow, I go to the track for some speed work if it's not snowing. Yes, snowing!

Monday, October 20, 2008


Congratulations to Christie and Jim. They are engaged!!! They are in the above pic...Christie is in a red shirt and Jim is in green. Looks like the family is growing! Now we are just waiting on two more (yeah, you know who you are)!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Halloween With Horses

Today we went to Halloween with Horses. Yes, it's really called that. It's this fall celebration at an equestrian center that is about 15 minutes from our house. We went with Kate and Jason and their kids last year and it was really fun, so we thought we'd try it again. Noah loved it! Since he's older, I think he really got a lot more out of it. He went through a (little kids') Haunted House, went barn trick-or-treating, rode a pony, and went on a hay ride. He also went to a pumpkin patch and got to paint his own little pumpkin. It was really hot (like 80 degrees at the end of October...WTH???), so he only had his costume on for part of the time. But he had a blast anyway. Here are some pictures...

Friday, October 17, 2008

YAY Dan!

Dan won some contest at work and the prize was a $400 gift certificate for Circuit City. He just went out and got a Play Station 3 and some games. He is very excited. Congrats, Dan!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

How do you keep from laughing?

Tonight at the table, Noah threw his fork, slung his milk across the table, and spit milk out at least 3 times on purpose. Half the time he does stuff like this, I have to leave the table and go laugh in the other room where he can't see me. Why do I still think it's funny??? My poor child is going to be a wild one.


I have to go for a run and it is freakin' freezing (literally)! Someone remind me...why do I do this again???

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Baseline Run #1

Today, I was supposed to run for 65 minutes and keep track of my pace so my buddy can customize my training program. I went 6.96 miles in 65 minutes and kept a pretty decent pace, I think. If anyone has any tips on hills, I'd be happy to hear them. I destroyed my pace in Mile 5 with almost a full mile of uphill. Yuck!

Mile 1: 8:59
Mile 2: 8:29
Mile 3: 9:21
Mile 4: 9:20
Mile 5: 10:18
Mile 6: 9:17
Last .96: 9:17

Average Pace: 9:20
Max Pace: 7:47

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Problem Solved

I am running a 5K on Thanksgiving Day. I am looking for my best time ever. I am not totally sure what my time goal is yet, but a dude I work with is helping me with that. Turns out he has been a track and cross country coach, so he is going to put together a training program for me after we get a baseline from my runs next week. I can't wait to see it!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Lack of Direction

I need to pick another race to train for. Badly. I am so unmotivated about running since the Golden Leaf. I am thinking of a 10K or another 1/2 marathon, but as it gets colder I know I'll have to run on the treadmill sometimes, which I hate. I'm having a really hard time keeping my focus. Any suggestions???

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Potty Training Part II

I am off to Target to buy Noah more underwear. You probably don't want any further explanation.

Potty Training

This is Noah's first weekend that he has spent most of his time in "big boy pants." He has done really well and we have had no big accidents. Tomorrow he will go to school for the first time NOT in a diaper. Thank goodness for his wonderful teachers because they are so willing to go cold turkey and deal with the fallout. LOVE them!

Go Broncos! Hopefully their defense will show up today.